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See what these Famous Celebs would look like with Braces

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Check them all out. While many celebrities have benefited from various Orthodontic treatments in the past to get those famous Hollywood smiles including Tom Cruise, Angelina Jolie, Danny Glover, Prince Harry, Serena & Venus Williams, Emma Watson, Gwen Stefani, Chelsea Clinton, Drew Barrymore, and Kendall Jenner, we wanted to see what some other current celebs (many of these New York City natives) would look like with braces on right now. Maybe we’re biased, but if anything, braces look like they’ve made these celebrities even more beautiful. Or perhaps we just like to see these super-celebs look like the average braces…

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How does AcceleDent work?

What is AcceleDent and How Does it Work?

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Orthodontic patients always ask, “Is there a way to reduce the time I have to wear braces?” Well, good news; faster braces are possible! AcceleDent Aura is a super cool orthodontic accessory that can decrease braces treatment time by 38% to 50%. We’re serious. When used 20 minutes per day, the lightweight, painless device promotes faster tooth movement and decreases the discomfort associated with the orthodontic treatment process. Here are the details about your new BFF, AcceleDent: What is AcceleDent? AcceleDent is a Class II FDA cleared device that uses soft pulse technology and cyclic forces to accelerate the movement of…

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